Mobile Rugby is currently in the planning phase of a number of programs. Battleship Rugby Academy has rugby for any age or ability. Below you will find our Pathway to Development, our strategic plan for implementing rugby over the next 5 years. With the help of Rugby Alabama, we now have a physical education curriculum approved by the Alabama Dept. of Education. Our Rookie Rugby Physical Education Curriculum is a low-cost, high-yield physical education program that appeals to all students. If you are interested in planning a clinic, participating in one of our homeschool-centered P.E. classes, or becoming a Rookie Rugby Instructor, please email us for more information.
Pathway to Development:
1) Upon approval from Rugby Alabama, implement PE curriculum into the Primary and Middle schools of Mobile and Baldwin Counties
(UPDATE: Approval Granted for the Rookie Rugby Curriculum by the State of Alabama and Rugby Alabama Q4 2011. Since, we have provided training and materials to nearly 100 PE educators throughout region at no cost to the school or educator)
2) Target after-school, after-care, and community sports programs (B&G, YMCA) with Rookie Rugby (3 yr)
(Update: Boys and Girls Club and YMCA branches have been introduced to Rookie Rugby through non-contact/flag clinics over the past 3 years. We are working to strengthen our relationship with these organizations to continue promoting rugby in at-risk or under-funded communities)
3) Explore opportunities for contact versions of Rookie Rugby 7’s, 10’s, and 15’s at the High School level with goal of starting 5 teams globally that are self-sufficient (5 yr)
(UPDATE: We are making progress in establishing ties with local schools to build a competition structure and sustainable programming in the public and parochial markets. If you are interested in bringing Rookie Rugby to your school, please contact us. Currently, we have nearly 100 physical educators in Southwest Alabama trained to facilitate the Rookie Rugby curriculum, with the curriculum run continuously in over two dozen schools. Help make this sustainable by asking your child's physical educator about rugby in the school.)
Pathway to Development:
1) Upon approval from Rugby Alabama, implement PE curriculum into the Primary and Middle schools of Mobile and Baldwin Counties
(UPDATE: Approval Granted for the Rookie Rugby Curriculum by the State of Alabama and Rugby Alabama Q4 2011. Since, we have provided training and materials to nearly 100 PE educators throughout region at no cost to the school or educator)
2) Target after-school, after-care, and community sports programs (B&G, YMCA) with Rookie Rugby (3 yr)
(Update: Boys and Girls Club and YMCA branches have been introduced to Rookie Rugby through non-contact/flag clinics over the past 3 years. We are working to strengthen our relationship with these organizations to continue promoting rugby in at-risk or under-funded communities)
3) Explore opportunities for contact versions of Rookie Rugby 7’s, 10’s, and 15’s at the High School level with goal of starting 5 teams globally that are self-sufficient (5 yr)
(UPDATE: We are making progress in establishing ties with local schools to build a competition structure and sustainable programming in the public and parochial markets. If you are interested in bringing Rookie Rugby to your school, please contact us. Currently, we have nearly 100 physical educators in Southwest Alabama trained to facilitate the Rookie Rugby curriculum, with the curriculum run continuously in over two dozen schools. Help make this sustainable by asking your child's physical educator about rugby in the school.)